So as a dental student, I go to the Clinic on most days. I will wear my usual uniform of basically a dress shirt of some sort, either a sweater or like sometimes, uh, a jacket.
I choose to forgo scrubs, I don't want to give the idea, like the subconscious idea of surgery to, and I also like to take pride in what I wear anyways. I believe what you wear can impact the way that you move, how you think and impact the way that you go about the world. So when I am working, I'm in a very type, a kind of mindset where I need to make quick decisions. I need to walk quickly and I need to make, you know, decide things, and act on them.
When I have a day off and I intend to use it as a proper day off, then I'll wear stuff that is a little bit outside of that scope where stuff that's a little bit more floe, dressed a little bit oversized just to get myself into more relaxed mode and a more relaxed way of thinking and way of going about the world.